Sometimes street photography can be a humbling experience. It never fails that whenever I hit the streets, there is always a reminder of how fortunate I am. The biggest issue that I may be facing at the moment, suddenly becomes trivial. My first shot is one of those images. If you remember from my last post, I speculated on who was the owner of a bike that was locked to a fence. You can see that bike here. It appeared the bike had been left there overnight. Well this fence was just across from where the public restrooms were located. Mother Nature called and I entered the restroom and found the shot below. Could this be the owner of the bike? You might question a grown man riding a small bike, but I’ve seen exactly that time and time again. When you don’t have many options, you usually take what you can get.

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
Sometimes waiting can put you to sleep. I believe this man was waiting for a bus. Nothing says Nashville more than a Johnny Cash bench.
Long Day

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
I’m sure we all have had moments when we are lost in our own world. You could be amongst a group or in a crowded noisy arena, but the ambience is tuned out as you become lost in your thoughts. That is exactly what came to mind when I saw the young lady below. She was probably waiting for someone. Despite the people passing by and the noisy traffic just a few feet away, she appeared to be lost in her own little world.
In the Zone

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
Being alone with your significant other can be a commodity especially if you have kids. This next shot reminds me that my wife and I need a date night. I have a special event coming up that I will blog about later, but I am hoping that night will be a night without the kids.
Past, Present, Future

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
This next man struck me as being alone, possibly homeless. The bags on this bike tells the story of a nomadic life. My assessment may be wrong, but I’ve seen many real homeless people in this same scenario.
Nomadic Cyclist

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
Finally, we all try to find that moment of peace during the day where we can breathe a little before we continue with our daily tasks. Maybe we just need a private area to make a call. For me, that is usually outside of our office building. For a lot of people, working and living in cities, an empty alley provides the needed cover.
Alone Time

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5+ 400 / FINDLab
Thanks for reading my blog! My next post will future advertisements on display throughout the city. From banking to beverages, major companies are competing for your dollars.
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