Who says lightning never strikes twice in the same place? Those of you who follow this blog and my facebook page have seen my work from the July 4th festivities in the Tennessee towns of Columbia and Franklin. Well, the same magazine that published my work about Tennessee took interest in my street work from those Independence Day photographs. The chief editors really liked the idea of “Patriotism through Photography”. She loved the vibrant colors and made the comment that I was a “ghost with a camera”. I don’t really consider myself a street photographer. However, I do aspire to be one and maybe one day when the time allows I can dive head first into some serious projects, but being called a ghost with a camera is what every street photographer tries to be. All of the featured pictures were taken on 35mm film and Medium Format film. The film stocks used were Kodak Portra 400 and Kodak Ektar 100. The cameras used were my Olympus OM1 and my Mamiya 645 1000S.











Click this text to read the actual article at 205dpi (page 17).




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