My Son Taking a Break – Mamiya 645 1000S, Kodak Tri-X 400, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8 – Developed & Scanned by The Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
I grabbed the shot above while my son took a break from our one on one practice session. It appears my son’s love for baseball increases every season. This has a lot to do with his growing confidence in his ability. I have watched him improve every year. He is always asking to go to the ball field to work on some part of his game. When I grew up, I did not have the one on one interaction with my father. My time practicing outside of a scheduled team practice was bouncing a ball off the church wall. I was a pretty good player and I had a really great coach which I was fortunate to have from my early years to my teenage years. I often ponder how good I could have been If I had a dad that worked with me. Thus, I jump at every chance to take my son to the ball field to work on his game.

The Gang – Mamiya 645 1000S, Kodak Tri-X 400, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8 – Developed & Scanned by The Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
The picture above are four players including my son that I have had to privilege of coaching. These guys have been playing together since they started “coach pitch” baseball. My son was excited when he found out that he would be playing on the same team with some of his old teammates again. Watching these kids develop over the years and knowing you have had a part in their learning is extremely rewarding.

After the Game – Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400, Olympus OM 50mm f1.8 – Developed & Scanned by The Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
The final picture in this post is a shot from a couple of years ago. It was just after a game. I can’t remember if we won or lost that day. Winning is great, but I care more about the players grasping the game and learing the fundamentals. In our league and I know this is true throughout Little League Baseball, you hear about people stacking teams with the best players to ensure a winning season. I personally would love to take the worst team and develop them to the best of their abilities. Win or lose, if my players have learned more about the game and have improved their skills for the next level, then they have had a successful season.
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2 Responses
Love these! Great dad & coach!
Thank you!!