What would we do without our pets? They are actual family members, at least that is how we treat ours. Currently we have 2 cats, a dog and a turtle. Over the years we have lost 3 cats. Each loss was heartbreaking. Losing our cat Blu years ago hit everyone hard. I took off work that day and ended up picking up a new kitten the same day. This is why I don’t understand animal cruelty. You hear the stories all the time. A dog left tied to a tree, dog fighting, torture, the list goes on. It’s hard to imagine that humanity is capable of such things. I’ve always heard that if someone could do those things to an animal, they can easily do it to humans.
Anyway our household loves animals. We adopted our cat Bilbo because he started hanging out in our yard. He probably actually adopted us. Bilbo and our dog get along great, but Bilbo and our cat General just tolerate each other. My oldest son volunteers some at Russel Rescue on the weekends to help adopt out pets to new homes. Our cats and the turtle are not represented in this post, but our dog Gaia is. The black cat and the Yorkie belong to my wife’s parents. The cat is actually a stray, but he has become my father-in-laws’ companion. He named the cat Shadow. He feeds him and gives him shelter in his shop. My wife and I say that after our animals die this time, that we will not replace them. I have a feeling that this won’t be the case.
The first two shots were taken with my Olympus OM1 on Ilford Delta 400. I used the OM1 and Ilford Delta 100 for Gaia. I made a print of the Gaia image and gave it to my oldest son on Christmas. I love these shots. I think they came out great! I hope you enjoy the images. Thanks for reading!

Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Ilford Delta 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab

Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Ilford Delta 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab

Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Ilford Delta 100, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab
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