For me, the attraction to downtown Nashville is not the events or even the music, it’s the people. I find it very entertaining watching the characters that roam the streets of Nashville. They are an attraction by themselves. If you trek across the urban landscape, you will encounter people from all walks of life. Immortalizing these people in one moment in time creates a history that can be studied in times to come. Dress, appearance, activities and the urban backdrop leave clues to the true story behind the picture. The photographer and those captured may be the only ones who know the truth. Maybe the photographer captured enough that the viewer can tell what was happening. Regardless, it is fun for the viewer to fantasize about what it could be. If the photographer does not have any inside information, he or she is just a observer as well. I don’t listen to the conversations and I don’t know the details of the situation in front of me. Just like the viewer, I know only what I see. If I capture enough supporting information, we all might get closer to the truth. In this post, I captured some people just hanging out waiting around. Each shot has it’s real truth and the viewer’s interpretation.
The thing that grabbed me about this first shot was the dress. The grooming, leather jacket, hat and sunglasses stood out. It reminded me of something out of West Side Story. Maybe this is the meeting spot. Maybe they are planning their day. Whatever they are doing, they look cool doing it.
Kool Kats

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
The whiskey t-shirts and the illuminated Miller sign inside gives away this little honky tonk, but who is the gentleman sitting outside? Is he the owner or a patron? I’m going to say that he is at the least a good friend of the establishment. I will also go as far to say that he plays live music inside either solo or with a band, that’s if the small pointed thing in his right hand is a guitar pick.
Good Ol’ Boy

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
On this next capture, I was drawn to the light shining on the patron inside. This looked like it would be a good black and white image with the contrast of the dark exterior and the light illuminating the people inside. What’s even cooler is the sign on the door that says “Refresh Responsibly”. This coupled with a quick gulp from his Miller Lite makes a good juxtaposition capture. Detailed scrutiny of this photograph reveals that the gentleman taking a drink is a hockey fan from Canada or at least a local fan. The front of his hat has a hockey player and a Maple leaf on it.
Refresh Responsibly

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
Just like the picture above, I was drawn to the contrast of the next scene. The shadows, dark clothes and the illuminated face makes for a good black and white shot. My speculation is that the frown on this woman’s face is from her trying to hear the person on the other end. She goes as far to close her left ear to block the sounds from the street and the bar behind her.
Speak Up Please

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
Obviously this must be some good pizza. This line did not appear to move very fast.
Hot Pizza

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
Well it’s obvious what these guys are doing. I hate that their uniform has become a target lately. I tell my boys that if they respect the uniform and do what you’re told, there won’t be any problems.
Blue Lives Matter

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
This last shot is a bit tough. I guess there could be a myriad of possibilities about the situation shown. This man appears to be lost in his book. Why such a big bag? Is he waiting for someone? What I’m about to tell you next will create even more possibilities. I believe he is reading scripture. The writing and the form of the book he is reading resembles the Holy Bible. Bible or not, I would bet that he is waiting for his significant other. Waiting on a woman would be the only time I would be sitting on a ledge in front of a busy street.

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
I would love to hear your interpretations of these photographs! Thanks for reading! Up next, I will post some random shots from the streets that will complete this roll of Kodak TRI-X 400.
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