Frozen Truck Nut Cover – Olympus E520, Olympus Zuiko 14-54mm f2.8-3.5
I’ll apologize if my blog title has put the Vanilla Ice song, Ice Ice Baby, in your head. Those familiar with Rap Music, know what I am talking about. Anyway I took a vacation day on Friday to have a three day weekend, but Mother Nature turned it into a four day weekend. She might just make it a five if the conditions don’t improve. After determining the risk of commuting to work was not worth it, I sent an email to my boss to let him know that I would be staying home. I made breakfast for me and the boys and then decided to take a short hike through the neighborhood.
I believe the temperature was in the mid-twenties and not much was stirring. The only sound was the crunch of ice as I stepped and the light pecking sound of sleet pellets falling on my hood. Since I was a kid, I’ve always love the stillness of Winter. It’s peaceful and therapeutic. I decided to make the mile hike to an overlook from where I have taken many pictures.
Like I said, not much was stirring. I did pass one of my neighbors walking his dog. Some young kids rode by on a four wheeler. Probably the most interesting event and a telling sign of the treacherous conditions was a women in a van trying to make it up the same hill that I was hiking. The woman passed me in her van only to come to a stop when her van started to spin out. After seeing this, I knew she would be backing down the hill, so I got off the road. At that moment, I was thinking of all the places I have hiked in this state, country and abroad and how this was going to be my final hike a mile from my home when the van comes sliding into me. The other thought that crossed by mind was that I was going to have to help rescue this person or persons when the van runs off the road into a ditch. Fortunately none of these thoughts came to fruition. However, the attempts to make it up the hill were not over. The driver tried 2 more times to get up the hill, getting a little further each time, but to no avail. The driver finally gave up and turned around at the base of hill.
I ended up taking a few shots during this brief outing. They are not the most interesting shots, but they illustrate the affects of the Wintry weather in my neck of the woods. I should add that I could barely make out my footsteps on the hike back home as they were covered with a fresh layer of ice. You might be wondering if I have a weatherproof camera given the conditions. The answer would be yes and no. My camera is not weatherproof, but my 14-54mm f2.8-3.5 lens is. I figured the hood of my coat would protect my camera and lens. The solid precipitation did not pose an immediate danger. I just made sure that any ice pellets were wipe away from the camera before putting it back into my bag. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
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