I love documentary style photography. I often get off the beaten path to see what I might find. As I mentioned in a previous post, I like images that appear real. While I do love sunsets and colorful vistas, they tend to get old after a while. I do admit that those cliche shots are hard to pass up, and I actually have some in the hopper that I will post later.

Walk the Tracks – Columbia Depot Area – Columbia, Tennessee – Olympus OM1, OM 28mm f3.5, Ilford Delta 100, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
Those cliche shots are the easiest to compose. I find it harder to compose shots from normal everyday scenes in a way that tells a story or takes the viewer on a journey back in time or even the future. Each of these shots brings back memories from my childhood years.

Now Playing – Broadway Drive-in – Dickson, Tennessee – Olympus OM1, OM 28mm f3.5, Ilford Delta 100, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
The black and white medium seems to bring out the documentary feel the best. I find that film adds character and life to the photo. Different film stocks do this differently. The railroad tracks remind me of my hometown and how I used to walk the tracks to and from baseball practice. In the time of home theaters and Netflix, drive-in theaters are a novelty if they are still in use. The one in this post has obviously played it’s last movie, but it still brings back memories of my parents taking me to the drive-in back in the day. The last picture below of the old house reminded me of the street where I grew up. There was similar house a few houses down from ours. Of course houses like these are usually torn down and replaced by newer ones, but every now and then you find some left behind.

Home Sweet Home – Down Town Columbia – Columbia, Tennessee – Olympus OM1, OM 50mm f1.8, Ilford Delta 100, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
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2 Responses
Some cool images here Travis, I love the desolate feeling you have captured
Thank you for the comment and visiting my site! I love finding desolate places and imagining what once was.