I mentioned in a previous post that my wife had some business cards created for my website. Eventually I was going to get around to doing this myself, but I never put in the time to make it happen. In the past, she mentioned getting some cards made, but I always told her that I would do it because I knew how I wanted the card to look. Well I have to say that I don’t think I could have done a better job. I really like her design. It is not too elaborate or too cluttered, it’s just right! The images she chose to put on the card were what I would have chosen and the film negative border was a nice touch. She chose those images because they were some of her favorites. They were all black and white film shots, hence the film negative border. She said that it would not hurt her feelings if I wanted to create something different, but I like it just the way it is. I asked her why she put my day job on the card. She told me that it would let people you know that I was a professional outside of this hobby and that I wasn’t some creepy dude running around with a camera. Leave it to my wife to cover all angles.
Now technically, I don’t have a business. I mainly want to create contacts that may lead to interest in my work. What little connections I do have now has led to some sales and publications. Thus, I hope to be able to create more contacts by handing out these cards whenever I run into people inquiring about me and my camera. You never know where the next opportunity may lie.
On the same note, I’ve also started another avenue for potential contacts. I have decided to jump into the twittersphere. This was also a suggestion from my wife who has just started tweeting herself. She has already gained several contacts that have reviewed some of her stories. I have to say that I really love the simplicity of twitter. It is fast and to the point. I won’t be dumping a lot of images on twitter, but I will post some from time to time. I will mainly be posting links to my blog. I will also retweet photography related postings that I find interesting. My wife has started calling me her Tweety Bird. I told her that she can’t call me that until I surpass her in tweets and followers. Well, off to do some tweeting! Check out my twitter page by clicking the twitter bird icon under the archives section on the right side of this page.

Pictured: Olympus OM1- Taken with an Olympus E520 and Sigma 30mm f1.4 EX DC HSM
3 Responses
I love your business card. Very creative and so on the mark, I am wagging my finger at you with envy. HA! Your wife is very talented. Good luck, man. Keep snapping!
She get’s it from her Mom whom is a very crafty lady. Thanks for the comment!!
[…] The business cards my wife made, will come in handy. You can see a post about my business cards here. Below is the poster for the event. I find it interesting that the women out number the men 3 to 1. […]