I’ve always heard that even when production is down, you still need to keep your marketing alive and strong. One major component of marketing that is in our faces wherever we go is advertising. Signs and banners are at every turn. Advertising is on steroids within the confines of the urban setting. You probably can’t take a picture in downtown Nashville without some type of advertisement getting in your frame. I believe I proved this from my last several blog posts featuring street photography in downtown Nashville. While I only have 8 shots in this post, several other shots already posted could have fit today’s theme perfectly.
These shots are a continuation of my first time shooting with Ilford HP5 Plus 400. It is also a continuation of my street adventure during the NCAA Basketball Tournament. Too bad these shots were not in color. The force was strong with the Kentucky Blue. There’s not much to say about these shots. The advertising speaks for itself.
Sports and Alcohol

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
Red Bull Girls

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
Red Bull Mobile

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
I used to drink a lot of Sunkist back in the day. I still like the drink. When I made a second trip up Broadway, the girl on the left in the image below was walking down the sidewalk towards me. She came up to me to offer me a cold Sunkist soda. As she was reaching out to hand it to me, she dropped it. We laughed and I told her that I will pass on this one. I thanked her anyway as I continued down the street.
Orange in Black & White

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
The bike in this next shot reminds me of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
Big Bike Banking

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
I did not notice the advertising of the Facebook address on the door of the beetle below until I reviewed my scans. This ’73 beetle belongs to Bruce Sova. What you see on top of the car is the mounting for what he calls his roof top kennel. His dog Oreo rides on top of the car. Bruce says that he does not have air conditioning in his car so the best place for his dog is on the roof. As you can imagine, he gets a lot of attention around town. The Tennessean newspaper even wrote an article about him. You can read an article about Bruce and see a picture of his dog Oreo here. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for King Oreo the next time I am out.
King Oreo

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
Public transportation advertising is classic. You can reach a large audience traveling throughout the city.
Lady on the Bus

Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Ilford HP5 Plus 400 / FINDLab
As always, thanks for reading! My next post will feature conversations.
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