Well, the title says it all. I got the news back in December that the curators at the Chromatics Art Gallery had chosen one of my photos to be displayed in their upcoming show. I always dreamed of having my work on display in an art Gallery, but I never thought it would come to fruition. Needless to say, I am very stoked about the event. It’s very encouraging and validating that someone in the art world sees your work as art. It is also cool to have my work on display with some well known artist from the local community. While I am definitely excited about having my work on display, I am equally excited about meeting other artist and viewing their work. I believe it is a great opportunity for more inspiration. Not to mention, it will be a great opportunity to make some connections. The business cards my wife made, will come in handy. You can see a post about my business cards here. Below is the poster for the event. I find it interesting that the women out number the men 3 to 1. Are women more artistic?





Below are the photos that I submitted for the show.


Boxcar Travels


Union Station – Nashville, Tennessee – Olympus OM1, Olylmpus OM 50mm f1.8, Kodak Tri-X 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee




Sleepy Town


Main Street – Franklin, Tennessee – Mamiya 645 1000S, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8, Kodak Tri-X 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee




Resting Place


Carnton Plantation – Franklin, Tennessee – Mamiya 645 1000S, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8, Kodak Tri-X 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee




The Unknown


Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge – Franklin, Tennessee – Mamiya 645 1000S, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8, Kodak Tri-X 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee




And the Winner is …………………BOXCAR TRAVELS! Wait a minute. I have to apologize. I made a mistake.




The Winner Really is…………………………….


Frame Assembled by the Hobby Lobby Frame Shop – Frame Size: 26″ x 20.5″, Window Opening: 20″ x 14.5″




Sorry, I had to do a little play on the Steve Harvey incident, LoL. This is actually one of my favorite images. My wife thought they might pick the Union Station photograph. Either way, I am glad to be a part of the show. The icing on the cake would be if someone purchased my photograph. I now understand why artist sell their work for hundreds of dollars and more. Custom framing and printing can be expensive. After you allow for the house’s cut, you have to figure out your profit margin. If any of you are around Nashville from the January 28th through April 28th, check out the gallery. You won’t hurt my feelings if you buy my photograph.



Images Best Viewed in Lightbox Below!


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5 Responses

    • Thank you!! I really love that shot, too. One of the curators liked that shot as well. She mentioned that Main Street is so busy that I must have gotten there really early. She said it would break her heart if I had removed the cars digitally. I assured her that I got there before sunrise.

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