If you have been keeping up with my blog, you have already seen pictures from my first roll of Ilford Delta 400. The pictures in this post are from that same inaugural roll. I’ve been wanting to try Delta 400 on the streets for a while now. I wanted to see how it compares to TRI-X 400. I have to admit that since the last time I shot TRI-X 400 on the streets, I’ve gained more skill. I actually exposed 2 complete rolls of TRIX-400 on the streets of Nashville this past weekend. I can’t wait to see the results. When I get my TRI-X scans back, I can do a proper comparison and decide what will be my go-to street film. I like black and white images with a lot of contrast even if it has some grain. I predict that I am going to be stocking up on TRI-X 400. I hope to have both of the TRI-X 400 rolls developed and scanned in 3 to 4 weeks.
Well the bug hit me and I had to get out for some some shutter therapy. I love shooting the streets. No matter how many times you shoot the same streets, they always offer something different. These shots were taken around the square in downtown Columbia, Tennessee. These were just some random shots for testing Delta 400. Equipped with my OM1 with a 50mm f1.8 lens and light meter, I walked the streets and captured the images below. All images were developed and scanned by the Film Box Lab.
Boots Made for Walking
Important Call
No Tattoo Sunday
Attention to Detail
Mercury Rising
Taking it in Stride
Trip Hazard
Old Folks Welcomed
Cleanliness is next to Godliness
Maytag Serviceman on Duty
Happy Shopper
Follow the Leader
Coffee Muletown Style
Running Wild
Changing Stations
Taking Care of Business
I am pleased with the results. This was another good exercise on the streets. Stay tuned for my venture through Nashville. For you hockey fans, it was All-Star weekend in Music City. NHL Jerseys were everywhere. I captured a few fans showing their team pride. I hope these turn out. Thanks for reading!
Images Best Viewed in Lightbox Below!
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