The one thing I do love about digital over film is that I can pick up my camera and play around when the mood hits me. I am usually more deliberate when it comes to using my film cameras. The mood hit me today so I took a country drive and ended up traveling back toward home on the Natchez Trace Parkway. It was a nice sunny Memorial Day, a nice day to take a late afternoon drive. The pictures below are from a few of my favorite spots. These are nothing special, just some quick handheld shots for practicing my technique. I have made many photos from each of these locations in the past. I often come back to these locations when I don’t have anything in mind to shoot. The scenic vistas on a nice day are always a beautiful sight to see.

View from the Tobacco Barn – Natchez Trace Parkway, Tennessee – Olympus E520 / 14-54mm f2.8-3.5

Jackson Falls Area – Natchez Trace Parkway, Tennessee – Olympus E520 / 14-54mm f2.8-3.5

Baker Bluff – Natchez Trace Parkway, Tennessee – Olympus E520 / 14-54mm f2.8-3.5

Baker Bluff – Natchez Trace Parkway, Tennessee – Olympus E520 / 14-54mm f2.8-3.5
While making the last two images, I met two couples traveling together. They appeared to be retired. We talked about the beauty of the countryside. They told me about a train ride that they took from Nashville to Cookeville and how beautiful the ride was. I mentioned that the train ride they were talking about is the same one that my wife and I plan to take one day. We came close to doing this a few years ago but had to change our plans. After talking for a few more minutes, I gave them my business card for my website. They were appreciative and said that they will definitely check out the site. Meeting nice people while out shooting is always a pleasant experience. Maybe they will become subscribers! Anyway, thanks for reading!
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