I made some time to capture a well known historical home in Spring Hill, Tennessee, Rippavilla Plantation. I won’t go into the history or significance of the home. A quick internet search will give you that information. I’ve captured plenty of photos of this plantation home over the years. I have almost used all the cameras in my arsenal on this building, even my film cameras. I like revisiting my favorite subjects from time to time. It gives me a chance to put into practice new techniques and things I’ve learned that have improved my work over the years. Besides, no matter how many times you visit the same subject, it’s always different. I started out with some night pictures and followed up the next day with some afternoon shots. 

The following day, I decided to head out during the late afternoon hours. The sun was still a little high in the sky, but I wanted to create some dramatic renderings with the clouds. You will see one perspective in color and black and white. It was hard for me to choose only one to post, so I posted both. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed the photographs! Do you have any favorites? I already have some ideas for my next shot of this historic home, so stay tuned. If you have a Facebook page, Like and Follow me at Shuttering Thru Life. Thanks for reading!


3 Responses

  1. […] coming back with some decent images makes everything worthwhile. Check out my last Rippavilla post, Plantation Perspectives. Like and Follow my Facebook page at Shuttering Thru Life. Thanks for […]

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