I’m ashamed to say I can’t tell you when the last time I hand washed my car. It’s been even longer since I waxed a car. In my younger single days, I would hardly be seen with a dirty ride. I believed I washed my car almost weekly. When I was away from home, I was one of those people who brought the bucket and cloths to the car wash bay and used the spray nozzle just to apply soap and to rinse. I was too afraid that the soap brush would scratch the finish on my ride. The one car I did take pride in maintaining was my black Third Generation Mazda RX-7. There is nothing like the look of a freshly waxed black car. That was one smooth ride. It turned heads wherever I went. I was very proud of that car.

The picture in this post is one of my last pictures from the Franklin on the Fourth Festival taken on Independence Day. I was delighted to see this image when I got my scans. It was a surprise because I forgot I had taken this shot. That’s one of the little jewels of shooting film. At first glance, I thought I was looking back in time. The black and white portrayal coupled with the older gentleman wiping the water droplets off the hood of his car is a scene right out of the fifties. The only thing missing was the Phillips 66 filling station backdrop. Now that I am more mature, although my wife might think differently, I find it silly to be proud of a car, at least the ones you buy off a lot. However, what I captured in this picture is more than just pride in a car.


Pontiac Star Chief (1950’s) – Franklin on the Fourth – Franklin, Tennessee – Mamiya 645 1000S, Mamiya Sekor C 80mm f2.8, Kodak Tri-X 400, Developed & Scanned by Film Box in Nashville, Tennessee

After you look at this classic old Pontiac, you notice the gentlemen who is ever so carefully wiping off the beads of water from the waxed finish. His dress tells a story of neatness, organization and self-respect. His shoes shines as much as his car. You can almost sense the wisdom that you know is embodied in his many years. Was this his car from long ago? Did he restore this car from scratch? Either way, it takes a committed and determined person to preserve and maintain such a beauty. His pride in ownership represents the good side of pride. The side that can drive people to be all they can be.
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