All Aboard! – Tennessee Central Railroad Museum – Olympus OM1, Olympus OM 28mm f3.5, Ilford Delta 100 – Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
I grew up a few hundred feet from railroad tracks. There was and still is a railroad museum that was just down the road from my childhood home. I spent a lot of time there climbing all over the old Steam Engine and boxcars. One of my favorite things about the museum was the HO scale layout they had inside. It was complete with mountains, tunnels, towns, people, animals and everything else that made it look so real. I could spend hours just watching the trains run their course over and over again.

Old School Travels – Tennessee Central Train Museum – Olympus OM1, Olympus OM 28mm f3.5, Ilford Delta 100 – Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab in Nashville, Tennessee
Most of what I know about trains has to do with carrying freight. The one thing that always intrigued me was actually traveling by rail. Every once in a while a series of passengers cars would come through town. I thought this was the neatest thing. The passenger cars looked old. It was if I had stepped back in time. I guess in away, I did. I remember wanting to be one of those people on the train. I didn’t even care where they were going. I just wanted to ride. I have yet to take a long train ride. I did however take a short passenger train ride when my youngest son was into Thomas the Train. We actually took that short ride at the museum where these photos were taken. Every year they have a Thomas the Train event for kids. I was probably as excited as my son, lol. My wife and I have discussed taking a train ride one of these days. I hope we plan one soon. Until then, I will keep romanticizing about rail travel.
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3 Responses
I use to walk in and around the train station complex of the Luxembourgian Capital City … Sometimes during all the day it was my playground and always adventure.
By the way I like the way you write … Nice
Thank you for the comment. I’m not much of a writer, but I find it almost just as fun telling the story behind pictures as it is making the pictures. The train station in Luxembourgian sounds like a neat place. I find train stations like you described intriguing. They are like a portal to distant lands that you dream about and today, they are like a portal to a different time. Thanks for dropping by!
[…] It was a nice, sunny afternoon after leaving work one day. I had some free time, so I visited an area I had not been in a long time, the Centerville Train Trestle at the Duck River. I’ve always had a fascination with railroad tracks. Growing up next to tracks near my childhood home, I walked them almost everyday. There was always a reason to walk the tracks. It was my shortcut to baseball practice or a fast way to the store to pickup some candy and my favorite soft drink. Sometimes it was a playground. I loved watching the trains come and go. I can remember watching passenger trains come into town. From where did they come and where were they going? What’s around the bend? What’s on the other side of the tunnel? These are just some of the questions I used to fantasize about. We had a railroad museum that I frequented many weekends. We played on the old steam engine and caboose. Inside, we watched the HO scale trains run through the realistic model towns. It was fun reliving these memories when I took my children to the same museum when they were younger. This reminds me of a short blog post I did a while back about trains. It’s titled Rail Romance. […]