Well the title says it all. We lost our second game last night so our all-star season has come to a close. It’s tough when you practice for two weeks and then your season is over in one weekend. Even though I hate to see it end like this, I am still thankful for the opportunity to continue playing baseball after the regular season.
I enjoy watching the kids develop over the years to become outstanding baseball players and good sportsmen. I am grateful my son was asked to play with the team. He had a blast! He knew he was stepping up to a group of kids who were outstanding players. We had the conversation before the first practice that he may not see a lot of playing time. He understood. In fact, he reveled in the fact that it was an honor just to be a member of the team. I love this about my son. I believe this attitude will carry him far in life.
Even though the all-star season was short, it was like boot camp compared to the regular season. My son proved to me that he could hang with the big boys. Don’t get me wrong, he has much to learn and much improvement is needed. I’ve watched him over the years gain more confidence and every year he looks more and more like a baseball player. We will continue some sort of a practice regiment during the off season. This is not dad dragging him to the ball field, by the way. It’s quite the opposite. His favorite Major League player is Derek Jeter. He has read two of his books, The Contract and Unfiltered. He got a glimpse of Jeter’s work ethics and knows practice will make him a better player.
Well as I mentioned in my closing ceremony post from our regular season, Field of Dreams, I hoped I would have the opportunity to make some captures from the All-Star season. I knew with the potential of a short season, I had to be ready to make the best of it. Between helping the coaches and mingling with the grandparents during the game, I manage to get a few images. I wanted more actions shots, but I will settle for these. Enjoy the slideshow and GO SPRING HILL!!
Spring Hill All-Star Team 2016 – 11u

District 8 Little League Tournament – Lynchburg, Tennessee – Olympus E520 / 14-54mm f2.8-3.5 / FL-50R Flash Gun
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