Several weeks ago we experienced Snowmageddon 2016. Luckily I took the day off from work. During our first big snowstorm of the year, I grabbed my DLSR and took some random shots around the house. I posted those pictures in an earlier blog post titled Snow Day.  On that same day, I made some pictures with my trusty Olympus OM1 SLR loaded with Kodak Portra 400. I got the scans from the Film Box Lab today. The words “Your Order Is Ready” is like music to my ears. As always I could not wait to see the resulting images. I was very pleased with the results. The only downside was a mistake I made around the 8th or 9th frame. I forgot I had film loaded and opened the back of the camera. I immediately closed it shut when I saw the roll, but I knew the damage was done. After closing the back of the camera, I advanced the lever a few times to get to the unexposed film for my next shot. Luckily it only destroyed one shot and just a small part of another. This did not bother me as much because I did not like the shots regardless and I had already lived through the disgust of ruining a shot. Thankfully the one shot out of the 3 taken during that particular outing came out great and I think it is a great picture as well. So all was not lost and this reminded me to be more diligent with documenting what I have loaded in each of my film cameras. I have taken some additional measures that should prevent this from happening again.

Since we got more snow today, I felt it fitting to post the film pictures from our last snow fall. The following shots are pictures of my youngest son and our dog. I’m glad I had the camera for most of the time I was outside. My son knows when Dad has the camera, he can’t throw snow balls at me. Don’t worry, as soon as I put down the camera he made up for lost time.




Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab





Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab





Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab





Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab





Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab



The next series of pictures were taken on another day during the same snowfall. I would have been more adventurous, but I was in the sedan instead of my 4×4. It was also later in the evening and I wanted to be back before nightfall. My wife believes this first picture is of a Federal style home that was modified to look like an Antebellum home. It’s easy to spot the additions and changes over the years. I don’t believe it is inhabited, but I could be wrong.




Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm f1.8, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab



I love the setting of the Beatty Farm along highway 7 in Santa Fe. I have shot this scene several times. The scene is always different. In fact, one of the shots that I ruined because of opening the back of my camera as mentioned above was of this same scene without the snow. I will have to come back another day when the lighting is better. The day I took this shot was not the best time as I was facing the sun with the valley in the shadows. I decided to take the shot anyway to capture the snow. I waited until a cloud gave me a little relief, but you can tell by the sky that the sun was really bright.




Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm f3.5, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab



The last shot was taken at the Water Valley Overlook off the Natchez Trace Parkway. The parkway was really treacherous, but I made it through ok. On a normal day, I would have made my way further down the Trace, but I decided to just check out the scene at the overlook and head back home. I like the different layers of light in this shot from the shadowed bank through the snow white valley and the green foliage and finally the pale blue sky.




Olympus OM1, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm f3.5, Kodak Portra 400, Developed & Scanned by the Film Box Lab



As always thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you enjoyed the images. I will be posting more frames from this roll soon.


Images Best Viewed in Lightbox Below!


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