This post shows more of the interesting backgrounds I mentioned in my last blog post. There is no shortage of signage within the urban scene. These signs and graphics give instructions. They invite us in and entice us to take some sort of action. Some of them are just art, but the majority are advertisements aimed at your purses or wallets. Regardless of the category, you’ll find them at every turn in an environment like downtown Nashville.

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab

Downtown Nashville – Olympus OM1 / 50mm f1.8 / Kodak TRI-X 400 / FINDLab
These shots were fun to make. They involved a lot of observing and waiting. Most of the unknowing participants did not see me. If they did, it was too late. The only exception was the shot of the Canadian tour bus. The lady on the right put her hand up to block her face. I could have hit the shutter before she raised her hand, but both ladies were at the spot where I had trained my focus. Her action adds another dimension to the shot. Up next, I will post some pictures of people getting around Nashville in their preferred mode of transportation. Thanks for reading!
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