NATURE’S SHOWER – Stillhouse Hollow Falls – Summertown, Tennessee – Olympus E520, Olympus Zuiko 14-54mm 2.8-3.5
I decided at the last minute Saturday to head out to the Stillhouse Hollow Falls just before sunset. The waterfall is down in a hollow and with the sun getting low, I figure I could utilize slow shutter speeds at a reasonable aperture. I also used my circular polarizer to darken things a bit. I manage to get a shutter speed of 8 seconds at f11 and ISO 100. I liked how these turned out. The only thing I didn’t like was the hike. Hiking the 2/3 of a mile down to the falls is not bad. The state has even added new steps at some of the more treacherous areas and they added a bridge that crosses the stream at the bottom. The last time I came here I had to walk through the stream to get to the other side. Going back was a different story. I guess being out of shape does not help. My climb back to the top was much slower than my descent. There were several down trees. One tree had fallen across the path. You either had to play limbo or go over the top. I took the high road. Once I got back to the top I had to catch my breath before loading my gear and heading home. Overall I am glad I made the trip. I’ve taken a few shots of this waterfall and the one I posted here titled “Nature’s Shower” is my favorite. The other two shots are in the slideshow below.
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